Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.4G Lens Review

Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.4G Sample Photos

Sharpness is excellent in the centre of the frame from maximum aperture | 1/125 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

Sharpness is excellent in the centre of the frame from maximum aperture | 1/125 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

Stopping down the aperture improves performance towards the edges of the frame, although clarity doesn't reach excellent levels until f/11 | 1/400 sec | f/6.3 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

Stopping down the aperture improves performance towards the edges of the frame, although clarity doesn't reach excellent levels until f/11 | 1/400 sec | f/6.3 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

Closest focus is 30cm | 1/640 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

Closest focus is 30cm | 1/640 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

This lens retains very good contrast, even when shooting into the light | 1/4000 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

This lens retains very good contrast, even when shooting into the light | 1/4000 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

1/80 sec | f/8.0 | 35.0 mm | ISO 160

1/80 sec | f/8.0 | 35.0 mm | ISO 160

1/500 sec | f/2.8 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

1/500 sec | f/2.8 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

1/125 sec | f/2.8 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

1/125 sec | f/2.8 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

1/2000 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

1/2000 sec | f/1.4 | 35.0 mm | ISO 100

Value for Money

As this is one of Nikon's top of the range lenses, it comes with a top of the line price tag of around £1300. As the sharpness levels are so high in the centre, this may be justified if your usage suits the characteristics of this lens. What sets this lens apart is its weather-sealed magnesium construction, which helps to justify the price.

Sigma do offer an alternative in their 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM lens, which retails for around £750. The performance of this lens is comparable in many ways to the Nikon optic, so may make a worthy alternative.

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