Dorr 12mm f/7.4 Fisheye Wide-Angle Lens Review

Dorr 12mm f/7.4 Fisheye Wide-Angle Verdict

Those who may want to experiment with the look a fisheye lens can create, but fear they may only use in on the odd occasion, may feel this lens is a good compromise and in some ways, it is. Images taken with the lens certainly have a distinctive 'look' to them, but the compromises in other areas, such as the slow f/7.4 fixed aperture and lack of consistency in the quality the lens can deliver make this lens quite an expensive toy, especially as it costs £190. If the price were to drop in time, then this lens could become a much better value proposition. 


Dorr 12mm f/7.4 Fisheye Wide-Angle Pros

Less expensive than other fisheye lenses currently available for E-mount
Metal construction
Smooth focus action

Dorr 12mm f/7.4 Fisheye Wide-Angle Cons

Not that much cheaper than alternatives
Fixed f/7.4 aperture
Strange colour casts
Inconsistent sharpness
Design makes it difficult to keep fingers out of shot


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