Zeiss Otus 85mm f/1.4 ZF.2 Lens Review

Zeiss Otus 85mm F1 4 (5)

The Otus range from Zeiss is as much about them showing what's possible from an optical design, as it is anything else. Their 55mm and the 85mm lens are both accompanied by proclamations of them being 'the best lenses in the world' on the Zeiss website, which is quite a claim to make, and one that isn't wholly unbelievable coming from Zeiss. If you were to try to buy the 'best' anything in the world, whether it be a kitchen knife, or a car, you'd expect to have to be ready to stump up some serious cash to own it. This 85mm f/1.4 may sport a fast f/1.4 aperture, but it is a manual focusing lens, and is available for around £3220. That's a lot of money for an 85mm lens and in this review, we'll take a look at how it performs.

By: briankeant 3445 days ago
I would say this lens is the best in it's class. very sharp corner to corner even when wide open. Little barrel distortion at all at my action camera. contrast and colors are rich.

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