New Pentax-DA 70mm F2.4 Limited lens

The lens, which was featured in the Pentax lens development roadmap is the second of a new line of lenses designed to be used on Pentax digital SLRs and will be exhibited at Photo Imaging Expo in Tokyo from March 23rd

The specifications of the new lens are:
  • Compact, lightweight telephoto lens designed for exclusive use with Pentax digital SLR cameras
  • 23-degree angle of view ( equivalent in focal length to 107mm in the 35mm format, when mounted on a PENTAX *istD-series digital SLR camera body )
  • Pentax-original KAF lens mount
  • Market launch tentatively scheduled for October 2006
By: johnriley 6766 days ago
Should make a very nice Portrait lens and also be very useful for Landscape work.

John Riley

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