Tamron 28-105 SP

By: nkamp 4592 days ago

I have a question about the lens Tamron 28-105 SP for Nikon. I'm not a profi photographer but I'm making pictures of volleybal games. This is in sports hall with not always bright light.

My camera is a Fuiji S3. Now I can buy this lens, but I'm asking myself is this it worth? It is a lens from 1999/2000?
Does it zooming fast enough? Or this is done by the camera or not?

Is the 28-75/f2.8 DX lens much better?

If the lens is in a good state what should be real price? 75,- euro?

By: johnriley 4591 days ago
One of the problems you may have is that the Fuji S3 is not the fastest camera around, being more suited perhaps to landscape, portraiture, still life and other fairly static subjects.

Tamron lenses in general are very good lenses though, so if the condition and price suit you then may well be worth trying. You can always re-sell on eBay if you don't find it suitable.

The Nikon lens will be better, and an f2.8 is always useful in lower light conditions, but of course the cost will be much higher.

Perhaps you could visit a dealer and try various lenses on your camera, just to check out the focusing speed?

Best regards


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