Which lens?

How do I choose?
Choosing which lens is best for you can be a mind boggling task. The list of different manufacturers and specifications can seem never ending.

Independents or camera manufacturer’s own?
There are lenses available by third party manufacturers, such as Sigma, Tamron and Tokina, who offer similarly specified lenses at a fraction of the price of those made by camera companies. Often third party lenses aren’t quite as good at some things as the professional camera manufacturers’ lenses, such as resolution or build quality, but will offer a viable alternative for those without an endless budget. Use the lens reviews section of Photodo to compare how well each lens performs, and whether one lens is worth paying more for than another.

Prime or zoom?
Choosing a fixed or a zoom lens depends entirely on your requirements. Zoom lenses are popular because they allow you to recompose your shot in seconds, and will generally do the job of three or more fixed lenses without the bulk. On the other hand prime lenses tend to have higher optical quality and brighter maximum apertures than zooms so are the preferred choice for low light and action photography.

By: khartke 6397 days ago
I am new to the camera world. Have just bought a Nikon D40. I would like to save up for a telephoto lens however I don't relish the fact of paying $2000 for it. Is there a viable alternative and same quality for a 70-200mm approx with 2.8f stop all the way thru. I am a novice so i really don't know what I am looking for. I am also looking for a macro lens as I enjoy taking pictures of flowers. thanks.
By: cencio 5867 days ago
I would recommend the 18-200mm VR lense by Nikon. It doesn't have the the f2.8 but does go from f3.5-5.6 which is pretty good. You might just have to settle for higher ISOs at this time.
By: shankar754 5177 days ago
i am newly born kid in this camera world please tell me wich camera and lense to start as a photographer i live in india near banglore
By: larry 4732 days ago
Shankar, "what camera and lens to start as a photographer"?
Regarding the lens, without a doubt the 50mm. As to the camera, entirely your choice. However I might suggest a manual camera so that you can learn about exposure. I also just noticed you wrote 445 days ago. By now you should have learned about exposure. Right?
By: OpticsENG 1895 days ago
Hey folks,

This multi catalog lens search tool https://www.opticsforhire.com/lens-search may be useful to folks on here, includes Thorlabs, Edmund Optics, Tamron, Kowa, Aico and others.


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