Old lens details wanted

By: epzPete 6769 days ago

Hope you are enjoying delving into our lens search.

We'd really like to add many older lenses from the likes of Kiron, Vivitar, Soligor, Zenit etc that are not listed to help it become the complete guide to the history of lenses.

So if you have any lenses that aren't listed and can provide a photo at a similar side on angle to the ones we have with the necessary spec data, email us and we'll add them.

By: Ozdean 6766 days ago
I'm dissapointed that you are not showing all the great older lens ratings you have done especially the M Series pentax. Could you please get them back!
I do love the new site though. Regards Dean
By: claudermil 6766 days ago
I would think getting the list of current lenses complete first should be a higher priority. Just from looking at what I have personally used, I see no listing for Canon's 24-70/2.8L, 300/2.8L IS, or 50/1.8 Mk I (could be on purpose, but in the interest of completeness...).

Even with that whine, I am very happy to see the site revived & it's already looking to be an excellent resource.

By: IanA 6766 days ago
The 24=70mm f/2.8L is being done as we type! It took some while to get one from Canon!;-)

By: Milo 6700 days ago
Can anyone give me the lens specifications for a Sigma 28-84mm f3.5-4.5 multicoated zoom Q III lens, and it's approximate date of manufacture, the lens is Pentax K mount.

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