Thanks for keeping the old site

By: JimC 6750 days ago
Thanks for keeping the old site.

I panicked when I started looking through the new menus, and was about to post some comments on some of the photography forums about how awful it is to find info on lenses via the new design.

But, I found the link to the old site, where it's simple to select a manufacturer and see lens ratings for their lenses (versus the new layout which is far too complex, and makes it very difficult to see a list of lenses easily with their ratings).

Please don't get rid of the old site, as it's a MUCH better design.
By: Will 6750 days ago
I'm sorry you find the new site more complex. To see the list of lenses with their ratings is just a two step process here (vs three steps on the old site).

1. Click Lens search

2. Click the manufacturer you want to see ratings for.

Then all the lenses for that manufacturer are displayed down the page, with the Photodo MTF score easy to see to the right. In addition you can also see user ratings and reviews, which you can't on the old site and even leave your own.

If you have any suggestions on how we can make the new site easier to use, we will be happy to listen and try implement changes where possible.
By: Ozdean 6704 days ago
How do we get to the old site please, I am missing the ratings on the older lenses?
By: epzPete 6702 days ago
The older lenses are still here, just look up the one you want in the lens search.

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