Sigma 50-150mm f/2.8

By: Daos 6699 days ago
'Gratz for reviving this great site and thank you for starting to add new reviews. This site is a great and valuable resource for lenses!

Is there any chance to get the new Sigma 50-150mm lens reviewed in the (as) near (as possible) future? There's no review of it yet afaik and it looks like this lens has a good chance of becoming an alternative for the 70/80-200mm lenses for those looking for a lighter, somewhat cheaper, but still fast lens. That is IF it will meet the expectations of a good optics, image and build quality.

Too bad they didn't add OS to it, but maybe the price would have been too high then and not so many of us could have afforded it. :-)

I would really love a review of it with a Nikon body (the version of the lens for Nikon is not yet in stores, might become available in the next few days).

Thank you lots and I will look forward for new reviews, and check this site reviews everytime I'm out in the market for a new lens (and not only) :-)
By: Daos 6698 days ago
I'm wrong, the version for Nikon is out in the shops too. Can be found at sigma4less for example.
By: IanA 6693 days ago
That's likely to be a grey import!

Canon version being reviewed as I type!
By: Daos 6689 days ago
Yay, cool, thank you!
I'll be looking forward to reading it. :-)
By: pechichi 6689 days ago
I am not a professional photographer or tester but I was able to get one of these lenses a week or 2 ago. So far I am happy with it however the only other lens that I have to compare it to is the Nikon 18-70 kit lens that comes with the D200. I am finding that I need to tripon mount my camera to get really sharp photos... getting old I guess. When I do the ones with this lens are really sharp and have good Bokeh. I an not too internet savvy yet so if you would like to see some examples just send me an email at

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