Best 10 MTF results on site?

By: wperrott 6721 days ago
I am curious as a new member if the data base will allow you to post the 10 best lenses so far tested. My newest camera is a D200. I am currently primarily interested in lenses for the D200. I also use film based medium format and view cameras and convert film to digital with an Imacon Flextight Precision III.

By: inventory 6719 days ago
We hope to add a feature in the near future that will make it easy to sort lenses in ascending and descending order by original MTF data, and User Rating.

This should make it easier to find what you're looking for.

I hope this helps.
By: wperrott 6719 days ago
Great site. Thanks for your prompt response!! I look forward to being able to compare lenses by multiple factors including MTF.
By: markk 6710 days ago
will be over simplified.
Factors taken into consideratin include
1. aperture variation
2. product variation
3. camera variation.

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