Filters for Canon EF-S 18-55

By: Astroboy 6698 days ago
Dumb question from a beginner....

I recently purchased a Canon EOS 30D. I have the EF-S 18-55 kit lens, and an EF 28-135. I am interested in purchasing filters (considering UV and circ polarizing). Do I need to use the special (and more expensive) "wide angle" filters, or will the "normal" filters work properly on these lenses? Thanks!
By: IanA 6697 days ago
Normal filters will work fine on these lenses, as neither of them are what are termed extreme wide angle on the 30D

However, you will get more use from a filter system than individual filters and all you need is an adaptor to get them to fit on other lenses as you acquire them.

Take a look Here for some ideas.



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