B&W film photography

By: altie 6589 days ago

I'm an old geezer in my 80's and film photography is what keeps me going.

I have used a Nikon FM10 for many years with great satisfaction albeit the lack of bells and whistles- light-tight box,lens,aperature and shutter + film. I have no need for more.

I have read reports on the 'photography internet' about the demise of the 50mm lens. My favorite standard which I use is the Nikkon f1.8.

I shoot in B&W ISO 400. I am interested in the experiences of other s using B&W and the 50mm lens.

Oh why don't I go digital? At my age I don't want to lay out the cash for all the gear required. If I were 35 years,that would be another story.

Anything to share? Thanks

By: johnriley 6589 days ago
The 50mm lens is far from dead and is being re-discovered by digital photographers. The reason is that, with the reduced size format, it behaves like a 75mm lens and makes a superb portrait lens. Digital users are often amazed by the quality of these lenses.

If you wanted to try out digital for a reasonable outlay, then perhaps one of the "bridge" cameras such as the Fuji S9600 would fit the bill. A fixed 28-300mm lens (I think) and SLR viewing could suit you very well. It's an electronic viewfinder, so it's great in dimmer light.

You obviously have a computer as you have posted here, so you have the skills at your fingertips. There's an exciting new photographic world just waiting for you....

By: altie 6588 days ago
Brother John,

Thank you for your interest and response.

By: altie 6587 days ago
Thanks for the response. The Zeiss 50mm 1.4 must have cost an 'arm and a leg',but I'm sure the quality probably cannot be matched by either Nikon or Canon.

By: johnriley 6587 days ago
The Pentax 43mm Limited lens would give anyhting a run for its money. It is the first really serious redesign of the standard lens for a very, very long time.
By: altie 6587 days ago

By: altie 6586 days ago
Hi Nicky

You bet and you're talking Big Bucks. I use a Nikon 50mm f1.8. Bought it from B&H years ago for a fraction of the Leica. It's really sharp and good for low light and where flash is NG.


By: altie 6586 days ago
Hey! If it were not top quality,it wouldn't sell.

By: altie 6585 days ago

By: altie 6584 days ago
Anyone have any info or experience with the Tokina SZ-X 205 28-105mm f3.5-4.8 ? All comments greatfully accepted.

By: mg 6582 days ago
Hey guys, Wanna see a 50mm do magic? Try a Summicron on an M6. I have yet to see anything better, including the Summilux and/or Noctilux except were a candle is the only light source. :)
By: altie 6582 days ago
Open your wallets,guys!
By: great7 6503 days ago
In my opinion, Nikon Auto Nikkor S.C. 50mm F/1.4 could be a great fit to your BW photography positively.

Less cost and highest quality for BW. You may need John White to modify Non-AI mount to AI in order to fit your MF10. There're many of AI'd modified lens on ebay as well.

I am happy to use this lens on my FM2 and D200 all the time.

Some BW photo for your reference:


By: Clay 6502 days ago

I'm a young geezer of 63 ! Nikon F2as and 50mm f/1.4 is my

all around lens. Other primes for special stuff. Keep

shooting film !

Best wishes,

By: Burnt0013 6433 days ago

I'm no spring chicken either. I've used 50mm lenses for the last 40 years. If they give you the images you want who cares if they're in style or not. If it meets your needs, especially if its in your bag use it and enjoy it.
By: DoF 6284 days ago
I am surprised to hear that the 50mm prime lens had fallen from favor in the first place - A good 50 is my desert island lens of choice.

As an aside, I thought that primes in general had been supplanted in the popular image of the modern photographer by massive zooms.

It's the speed of primes that seems to have caught the interest of the digital cognoscenti. Witness the renewed interest in Leica's Noctilux since the introduction of the M8.


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