Sony Alpha DSLR A100W -lens?

By: leo 6588 days ago
I have purchased a new Sony DSLR (alpha) A100W and I would like to know what used lens will mount on comera. i have the Sony kit lens but I would like a faster lens (f1.4, 1.7, 2.8). can anyone shed some light here.


thank, Leo
By: johnriley 6588 days ago
These are Konica Minolta cameras under their new Sony banner, and the lens mount has remained the same.
By: leo 6588 days ago
Are these lens fully functional and work with sony sensors or are they completely manual?
By: johnriley 6588 days ago
The recent konica minolta lenses will work just fine - the new camaeras are pretty much the same with the Sony name on. They may well have always been Sony sensors.

As I understand it Sony bought Konics Minolta and kept the team in place, so they bought a ready made line of products. Obviously from then onwards further development will have been undertaken and more products will undoubtably follow.
By: leo 6588 days ago
Are these new KM lens for Sony (how many are there?) or are they older used lens?

Do they work with all Sony auto features -focus, light metering etc?
By: johnriley 6588 days ago
I'm not an expert on Konica Minolta's range, so I think probably I should direct you to Sony's website or maybe where you may find suitable reviews to help. You will also find links at the ADAPS club website, go to and then the links page and both Konica Minolta and Sony are listed.

I do know that there are quite a lot of lenses available, and the Konica Minolta ones will work in every respect on the Sony bodies. As I said, they are one and the same.

Do let us know if you find the info you want.
By: jerryd 6572 days ago
I have had a Sony 100a since July 2007 and have used all my Minolta AF lens (as such) (including 20mm f2.8, 24mm f2.8, 50mm f1.4 and f2.8 macro, 70 to 210 f4.0,24 to 85 zooom and a 500 reflex)...all with excellent results as AF lenses. My Minolta 5600 flash also works as do off camera flash cord and remote cord. I also use Sigma and Tamron Minolta Maxxum mout lenses without problems.

I chose the Sony specifically because I diod not want to abondon my Minolta lens supply.
By: leo 6572 days ago
Thanks for your reply and sharing your knowledge.


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