Travel photography

By: altie 6580 days ago
Any suggestions regarding gear - lenses,camera bags,etc.?

Thanks for your response.

By: johnriley 6580 days ago
A perennial problem. These days I travel as light as possible whilst retaining as much flexibility as I can. So its zoom lenses - 12-24mm, 16-45mm, 50-200mm. Pentax K10D body. Billingham Hadley bag. Spare battery.

Most filter effects can be done in Photoshop, so no need to carry all sorts of extra bits and pieces. Perhaps a polariser.

By: altie 6580 days ago
Thanks,John for your response.

Some people I know travel with only a 35-70mm and a 70-210mm zoom + a circular polarizer.

When it comes to a camera bag,some go to an Army and Navy store and buy military-type small bags so it doesn't look like camera eqpt.

Any opinions?

By: johnriley 6579 days ago
I think you need a bag that protects the equipment, and that means a camera bag. I think most thieves will be wise to attempts to conceal our cameras, probably when they watch us take out the camera to take a photograph!

So be vigilant and avoid travelling alone...
By: altie 6578 days ago
Travel alone? Are you kidding ? My wife (d'boss) would never allow it!!!


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