By: altie 6579 days ago

Any one out there in photodo land use a Nikon FM10 basic film camera? Any opinions?

By: altie 6578 days ago
Hi Nicky,

I,too have an FM3A - great camera,built like a tank,a bit heavy but with the half automatic (In the "A" mode set the aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed) and half mechanical,it makes a great basic film camera for just about all situations. Too bad Nikon discontinued it.


By: altie 6578 days ago
Thanks for the reply and info,Nicky.
I use both the FM10 + an FM3A in my opinion both excellent SLR's for B&W film only.

By: altie 6576 days ago
Hi Nicky,

I can appreciate your comment on weak eyesight. I also carry a +1 diopter for both my FM10 and FM3A - it helps.
By: altie 6570 days ago
Dream on !
By: altie 6569 days ago
Hey,what ever turns you on !

By: BrianT 6567 days ago
I have used Leica R/Fs for some 45 years. But for reflex cameras two models produced by Nikon could not be beaten. The F3HP was one of the best cameras of all times but it was beaten by another the FM2n.

I owned a pair of FM2ns for some fifteen years and gradually with deteriorating eye sight hence glasses my Leicas were replaced without any regret. In fact it might sound like a sacrilege but the FM2n "feels" like and "handles" like a Leica. And I cannot think of a bigger compliment to pay it.


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