Coated filters instead of lens coating in older lenses

By: jakobwolf 6543 days ago
I do no know too much about it but have heard that older coated lenses used on digital SLR's can perform poorly because of inferior coatings to those used on newer digital lenses. Does anyone know whether it is possible to compensate for this coating deficiency by using multi-coated filters? thanks,
By: johnriley 6536 days ago
Using a multi coated filter will only affect the transmission/reflection properties of the filter and will do nothing to improve any internal reflections in the lens itself. The rear element coating is especially important as the CCD is highly reflective by nature.

I can only speak for the pentax lenses that I use, but the SMC coating in use since the early 1970s is highly effective and these early multicoated lenses seem perfectly useable on digital.

Because of the preference for a telecentric design in modern digital lenses though, some older lens designs may not perform so well.

In general I ight expect standard (50mm) and short telephoto lenses to be the best bets, but anything is worth a try if it fits and providing the mount is in good condition. I wouldn't want to put any even slightly suspect kit on my DSLR!


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