Please, tell me about sigma 180mm F2.8 macro lens

By: blugray 6440 days ago
I got this lens, but I can't find any information

about this lens.

especially,compared with sigma 180mm F3.5DG macro
By: johnriley 6436 days ago
It seems that no-one can help so far. What I can tell you is that 180mm is regarded as an excellent focal length for a macro lens. Both Nikon and Pentax have produced superb 200mm macro lenses, at very high prices.

Longer focal lengths give more verstility in allowing room for lighting and for obtaining a more comfortable working distance. I use 100mm macro lenses.

The 50mm macro lens is arguably more convenient for document copying where one needs to be closer to the subject, but its a moot point.

I don't think you'll go far wrong with a 180mm, and which model may be academic as I would expect any proper macro lens to perform superbly. In any event you will likely be using the lens at small apertures (DOF is limited at macro distances) so you will be getting the best out of any lens.

By: IanA 6422 days ago
Sigma do not make a 180mm f/2.8 Macro lens, and never have AFAIK!
They make the 180mm f/3.5 EX DG. A cracking lens.

By: justincb12 5966 days ago
yes they do. this lens was discontinued, but they did make it. i have one. it is a great lens!!!

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