SIGMA 24-70 EX DG for Nikon

By: maxldt14 6376 days ago
If I use this Sigma lens with a Nikon D80, i'll have a 24-70 mm or 36-105 mm???

That is: it's a lens built for digital cameras or for SLR???


By: nosliwlee 6340 days ago
is 36 - 105mm
By: johnriley 6340 days ago
The lens will always be a 24-70mm but when used on a DSLR with a sensor that is smaller than a 35mm frame only the centre part of the image will be used.

This means that lens gives the same field of view as a 36-105mm would on 35mm.

It's a means of creating a comparison between different sizes of sensor and relating them to what they would look like on 35mm.

Now I'm not sure if the lens you mention is designed exclusively for small sensors or not, but I'm sure the Nikon website will tell you. Either way, the above still applies.


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