Is there a way we users can remove these spam posts?

By: amydet 6216 days ago
As the title says...

Is there a way we users can remove these spam posts from the forum? Especially disturbing are the porn advertisements.

These messages cannot be allowed to persist on the site if it is to survive. Photography is certainly not a specifically adult topic, and there may be children reading...

By: johnriley 6216 days ago
Hi Amy

They are removed as soon as spotted and the posters are then banned. There isn't a way for anyone to remove them, or they would be able to remove anything else as well, but it is watched as much as it is possible to do so and acted upon immediately.

Best wishes

By: amydet 6216 days ago
Many other sites with forums have some sort of mechanism to allow users to flag inappropriate postings to the moderator. As I write this, I see you have removed one of the postings but one remains.

By: johnriley 6216 days ago
Hi Amy

Thanks, found it. One got away for a moment in the huge list of deleted posts. We are doing what we can to block this relatively sudden attack at source.

Best wishes

By: rhousham 6209 days ago
Hi Guys we have changed the method with which people register to photodo so that they need a valid email address. Their password is then emailed to them so this should stop the spam.


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