Recommendation for entry-level lens for Canon Digital Rebel XTi

By: bjordan 6152 days ago
I'm just about to buy my first digital SLR camera (Canon Digital Rebel XTi). I'm so confused by the lenses. I'm looking for 1 to start that will cover the majority of needs until I get the hang of it. I don't want to spend more than $200. I take photos mostly of my toddler - indoor and outdoor, and really am excited for black and white. Can anyone help?
By: johnriley 6151 days ago
The kit lens (usually 18-55mm or something similar) will be an inexpensive and ideal place to start, adding almost nothing to the cost of buying the body alone. After a while using this one lens you will be able to better judge whether you need something better, wider, longer or even perhaps a macro lens.

Have fun!

By: digitalgun 6130 days ago
If the Kit lens did not come with your camera I would not recommend purchasing it. A good place to look at lenses is

since you are shooting indoors with your toddler having a lens with a large max aperture of 2.8 would be ideal but maybe not very possible on a $200 budget, even on the used market. unless you checked out the used market. Something worth considering are prime lenses, they have a fixed focal lenght but take very sharp images and are often cheaper than zoom lenses. But in all honesty you will have a tough time upgrading from a kit lens on $200 budged unless you find a kick ass deal on ebay. But here are some lenses worth checking out:
Tamron 17-50 F/2.8 retails new for $450
Canon 17-85 F4-5.6 USM IS, retails for $500 but I have seen used copies in excellent condition sell for $300 on ebay.
*****Canon 50mm f/1.8 prime lens, retails for $80.00. This lens is an awesome deal, I own one myself. It is great for indoor photography. It takes some excellent photos, especially indoors where the light is not so hot. The only problems are it is made of mostly plastic and as a result its durability is less, and it is not a zoom so you are stuck with just one focal length of 50mm which is actually 80mm on your camera because your Digital Rebel's sensor smaller than that on full framed cameras so because of the crop factor you must multiply all focal ranges by 1.6 to get a true idea of what your seeing through the viewfinder.

hope this helps

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