Look out for 105 mm/ f 1.8 or less Lens

By: santosh 6135 days ago

For one of my application i want to use a 105 mm f/1.8 (or less than this)which has to fit to a squoare sensor of 15 x 15 mm.

Is there any alternative to this lens. I chequed with Nikkor and found that 105 mm f/1.8 is not available now. Hence please sugest for any other alternatives.
By: johnriley 6135 days ago
A second hand SMC Takumar 105mm f2.8 perhaps? That would be a screw thread manual focus lens.

At one time there were plenty of 100/105mm lenses available.

These days new ones a likely to be 100mm f2.8 Macro lenses.

By: Hibe 5984 days ago
E-bay has one up now. I suspect that the price will skyrocket. You can check out adorama's used equipment section too.

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