Which system is best

By: davex19560 5931 days ago
Am about to buy my first DSLR.
As all the manufacturers offer similar specced models at similar prices I have decided to base my system choice on the quality of lenses available.
3rd party manufacturers offer both mounts so no problem there.
Question is Canon or Nikon? each offer a similar range of lenses a similar prices, but which is best?
would be interested in your views.
By: johnriley 5931 days ago
I think there is a better quality/price solution than just looking at Canon and Nikon, although if the choice is from those two only I would certainly choose Nikon.

You have overlooked all the other manufacturers such as Pentax/Samsung, Olympus, Sony, Leica, Panasonic and so on.

I would recommend the Pentax (or Samsung equivalent) products. Very well made weatherproof bodies (K200D at 10.2MP and K20D at 14.6MP) and superb quality lenses. And a very reasonable cost.

The two K20D cameras we recently upgrade to: £579 less £100 cashback = £479 for a top grade camera of professional quality.

I would suggest though having a look at the alternatives and seeing which ones fit your hands as well as your budget. Handling is vitally important.

But above all don't just think Canon and Nikon and don't get too influenced by test reports on the internet. Pinch of salt!

By: davex19560 5931 days ago
Thanks for that John,
Have not totally discounted other makes yet, indeed the K20D is on my shortlist;

But am still leaning toward the big 2, maybe it`s all in the name, but they do seem to have lots more potential for accessories.

By: johnriley 5931 days ago
I'm not so sure about that. After all, having an obscure accessory is one thing, having it available is another and actually wanting to buy it gets even more remote.

Unless you have a specialist field that requires something really obscure I don't think C and N will have anything relevant that the others won't.

What sort of accessory do you think would swing the decision?

By: davex19560 5930 days ago
Who knows what the future will bring John? will have a serious look at the K20D when ready to buy.
By: tidris 5926 days ago
Just as an aside, what did swing me towards a Nikon was the lens compatibility of older (often better built) lenses that Nikon seems to maintain. I had a lot of older Nikon lenses (even from the pre AF era) and I can use them all even now on the digital. It has saved me an arm and a leg not having to buy the lenses.

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