Upcoming Photodo Upgrades

By: davidb 5859 days ago

Hi Everyone,

I am one of the web developers for Photodo. This is just a heads up to let you guys know that we have some big plans to add in some great new features into photodo to make the Lens Search more flexible and informative.

One of our first steps for this is to modify the structure of the site a little. Not to worry, it's not a big shift and everthing will still appear to work the same way. The change is more on the backend of the site.

We will be uploading these initial changes hopefully later today. The changes will allow us to add in new features quicker when they are needed/requested and fix bugs quicker.

By: davidb 5859 days ago
Hi Everyone,

I thought I would just make you aware that we have uploaded the changes that we have completed so far. As mentioned, most of the changes are behind the scenes but we will start dropping in the extras in the next few months.

By: johnriley 5856 days ago
Looks good so far!


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