Nikon AF-S 35mm 1.8G

By: mateo 5833 days ago
Just received my 35mm AF-S, DX format, roughly the same pespective as a 50mm in film. Feels a little big on my D40 but bothing to bother, still a very casual and compact combo for those of us who cant live without 1.8 and want the smallest camera.

I'll miss the depth of field scale and all the nice engraving of "old-school" lens but at least it will autofocus on our camera.

Focusing can be manualy overide without breaking any pin or motor, that is great, even if the feel could be smoother.

I think its the best combination to learn photography, as you must move to look for a good composition, digital makes it cheap, its a better general focal lenght than the 50mm (but portraits) I used to use, and you have the option of full-auto. Schools will buy a lot I think, and ho by the way sharpness is great.
By: johnriley 5831 days ago
Sounds good, have fun with your new kit!


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