What DSLR will a Kiron 35-135mm f/3.5-4.5 Macro1:4 mount?

By: MSJ 5694 days ago
Roughly 30 years ago I bought and used to satisfaction a Pentax ME with a Kiron 35-135mm f/3.5-4.5 Macro1:4. I loved the pictures that lense would take. I have used it little in the last 5 years.

I would like to purchase a DSLR, but one that this great lens will mount on properly. I am a novice with lenses. What brand of DSLR older model or new will this lense mount with well?
By: johnriley 5694 days ago
It will happily mount on any of the Pentax DSLRs, old and new.

As it is from the M series era I presume it has no "A" on the aperture ring. If it hasn't, then you need to activate a custom function "Using Aperture Ring" and set it to "permitted" and then you can use the lens in Manual and Aperture Priority modes with stop-down metering.

If it has an "A" on the aperture ring, you set that and the lens will work in all exposure modes.

Best regards

By: MSJ 5694 days ago
Thank you John.

The lens does not have an "A" on the aperture ring. The custom function "using aperture ring" you write about is on the camera body?

Also, will the lens work with any other brands than Pentax?

Thank you,
By: johnriley 5694 days ago
Yes, it's in the camera menu.

This lens will fit Pentax and Samsung DSLRs, which are one and the same thing.

Hope that helps!

By: RayLazinsk 5509 days ago
To: MSJ Your learning aboutmy experience on this matter may benefit you.
This relates to the use of a Kiron lens on a DSLR body.
Please go to http://digitalrokkor.altervista.org/why.html

"Why Minolta Rokkor Lens on Canon EOS DSLR"

and to http://digitalrokkor.altervista.org/techdetails.html

"the eos-md flange"

note on page 4 of the 6 pages only the model 300D requires no machining or modification on lens or body.

I recently bought the flange kit from this fellow in Italy and bought a Canon 300D on ebay.

I got the flange and it almost fit. A few holes had to be drilled a little deeper so the mounting screws would not stick up.

When I was done the Kiron lens does fit properly on the canon DSLR from a mechanical point of view. One has to be careful to insulate the camera’s contacts from the Kiron lens bayonet.

It fit. Now I am having trouble getting the camera to take any sort of image, even out of focus ones. I keep getting error readings.

It took me a while to order in the CF memory card, batteries and charger. I have to see if I can find the source of the error codes.

I can only hope that the camera I bought is in good working order.

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