Tripod suggestions

By: rapunzel 5681 days ago
I want a tripod that is fairly lightweight yet won't fall over easily. A respectable tripod for an amateur but not one that will not cut into my lens budget. The last one I had was a Samsonite (my husband purchase it for me). The quick release broke on it and is now useless.I have the Canon Rebel XSI with two lenses; the larger of the two is 75-300 so they aren't very big. Any recommendations?
By: johnriley 5681 days ago
I use a Manfrotto 055 Classic, but that might be a bit heavy even though it is very stable. Tripods need to be sturdy or they are of little use.

Perhaps more suitable would be the Giottos MTL 9151B that my wife Sue uses. She gets on with that very well and it's stable without being too bulky or heavy. If you go for this I would suggest buying a ball and socket head for it.

Hope that helps!


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