Advise required for purchasing Lens

By: RamKi 5561 days ago
Hi, I am Ram and looking for your help in selecting the lens. In an auction at my office, I had purchased used Canon 20D SLR camera with 18-55 kit lens. Primarily I wanted to capture my childrens photographs (in-doors as well as outdoors). I am not very keen on wildlife or similar photography. Could you kindly advise lens suitable for my needs. I live in Bangalore,India and request to help me in finding the retailer in Bangalore if possible.Many Thanks to you. Regards Ram
By: johnriley 5561 days ago
I can't help you with a retailer in Bangladore, but I can suggest that the first thing to do is to try out and practice with your kit lens. It is a good general purpose lens, which is why it is often included as standard.

When you have used the lens for a while, it will become more obvious to you whether you need something wider (a wide angle zoom perhaps) or something longer (a telephoto zoom) and this will depend very much on how your photographic style and needs develop.

Hope that helps, and that you enjoy using your new camera.


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