Need a wide angle lens & zoom lens

By: rapunzel 5503 days ago
I have a Canon Rebel XSI 12.2 mega pixels that came with a ef-s 18-55is and a ef 75-300mm f/4-5.6 111 which is your basic starter kit. I love to take nature pictures especially birds. My husband & I are taking a trip to Wyoming and I want to get some new lenses before the trip. I want a super wide angle for the panoramic views and a serious zoom lens but with money left to take the trip. I'd rather buy one good lens than to buy junk. Thank you in advance for your wealth of knowledge. I know I asked in the past about zoom lenses but technology is always changing.
By: johnriley 5502 days ago
"Kit" lenses are vastly underrated and yet with the correct technique they will produce excellent shots.

As for upgrading, if you stick with Canon that next step up could be very expensive indeed. Look at their L lenses if you want this. The price difference will show you which lenses will be an improvement.

For birds, check out the Tokina 80-400mm zoom, an excellent lens at a lower price than Canon. The extra reach might well be useful.

For the wide angle a 16-50mm from Tokina is a professional quality lens. This won't be Canon prices.

The two lenses should do it, but why not take along the 18-55mm as well, as a semi-expendible optic for any wet or dusty conditions you come across.

Have a great trip!


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