Need a new Wide angle lens or super wide

By: rapunzel 5117 days ago
I want to buy a wide angle lens for my Canon Rebel eos xsi. This is the only lens left I feel that I need to complete my kit. I'm not a professional so I'm not making my money back on it. One lens that I found was on was the Canon EF 17-40mm F/4 L USM Lens for $789. I really need some suggestions. I always get awesome feedback from this forum.
By: johnriley 5116 days ago
The lens you list is a very fine lens.

You might consider the Tokina 12-24mm, which is a superb lens and available for Canon and Nikon cameras. It has very low distortion. Tokina also make an 11-16mm.

Sigma offer a 10-20mm, but although it's wider it may be less suitable for architecture as the distortion levels are higher.

Hope that helps!

By: rapunzel 5116 days ago
Thanks John your information sure does help! I definitely want to go with quality. After reading the reviews on both lens' I'm really torn between first pick Canon EF 17-40mm F/4 L USM ($797) and new second choice Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X 116 Pro DX ($599)

My husband & I are vacationing in Montana in two months and I want to have my camera set up complete. I'll be taking my usual landscaping and wildlife pictures.

Thank you again for your expertise!
By: rapunzel 5116 days ago
I just went and bought the Canon. The Tokina was out of stock on all websites. I didn't want to wait. This way I'll have time to play with it before vacation. I'll let you know what I think of the lens.
By: johnriley 5114 days ago
Yes, please do. I don't think you'll go far wrong choosingt one of Canon's premium quality L lenses!

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