Wide angle lens for D700

By: Sinann 4968 days ago
Hi everybody,

I'm looking for a third party ultra wide angle lens with decent price for my Nikon D700. It might be a prime or zoom, currently in production line or older one...Build Quality is not a number one issue for me, nice optic is much more important...I know that third part companies sometimes produce very good optics but I'm not sure which one I should buy. By the way, I will use that lens in fairly low light conditions, so I prefer (but not a must) the f stop to start from 2.8...
Thanks a lot for your help and advice....

By: johnriley 4968 days ago
Hopefully someone will have a specific recommendation, but Tokina, Tamron and Sigma websites should be a good place for you to view their options.

Best wishes

By: joshwa 4930 days ago
You could try this? Tokina AT-X 16-28mm f/2.8 PRO FX
By: cameraf4 4661 days ago
Wow, this was started some time ago and by now I presume that Sinann has found the right lens. For my D700, I have tried (and like) the Nikkor 20mm AF, the Nikkor 18-35mm AF f3.5-4.5, the Sigma 17-35mm AF f2.8-4 and the Sigma 14mm AF.
The 20mm is beautiful and has made some of my very best images. The zooms are obviously more versatile but, as with most wide-angle zooms, distort the image more than the prime lens does. The 14mm is not the easiest to learn how to use well, but can create some amazing images. I used it in Badlands Ntl Park and got some "killer" shots.

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