Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6 AF-S VR DX Nikkor

Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6 AF-S VR DX Nikkor Handling and Features

Weighing only 335g, this is a very lightweight and compact lens, especially suitable for those looking for a telephoto optic that they won't need to leave at home when travelling light. All of the lens barrel is constructed from black textured plastics which feel sturdy enough for casual use, but which certainly won't survive the rigours of professional use. A large rubberised grip helps to improve the handling of this lens and it balances well on the Nikon D300 used for testing, due to its light weight.

The silent wave focusing motor is quiet, but not breathtakingly quick to focus and manual focusing is performed by turning the thin plastic ring towards the front end of the lens. A switch on the side of the lens changes between automatic and manual focusing and is easily accessible whilst holding the lens normally.

The lens takes 52mm filters, which is a common size for Nikon lenses of this grade. Focusing is performed internally, so this lens is ideal for use with polarising and graduated filters.

Nikon promise that the Vibration reduction system fitted to this lens will allow shots to be taken at shutter speeds three stops slower than would otherwise be possible. I managed to get sharp hand held shots at 1/60sec about half the time, which is just under what the usual rule of thumb would allow for taking sharp images.

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